Art World
September 25, 2012, 12:15pm
Expo Chicago Wrap-Up: Part Two
“There’s going to be an EXPO Chicago next year, right?” Chicago dealer Linda Warren asked Tony Karman Sunday at Festival Hall, voicing the concern that all of us are harboring. We were discussing how the fair was unfolding, Karman mentioning that he wished more collectors from the greater Midwest region would have come out and talking about the holes he’d like to fill in the future.
September 18, 2012, 11:39am
Volta New York Moving to SOHO
We just found out that one of our favorite fairs is moving to SOHO! From the Volta Show NY press release:
"VOLTA NY, taking place from Thursday, March 7, through Sunday, March 10, is thrilled to announce its NEW LOCATION for 2013: 82MERCER in SoHo, New York.
The Mercer Street building's 50,000 square foot exhibition space, comprising two floors and daylight loft-like spaces, is nestled in a groovy corner of SoHo and will provide a handsome platform for VOLTA NY's strictly solo-project format, including a broad international roster as well as plenty of local representation."
September 10, 2012, 8:25am
Artist Submissions...What's the Deal?
"What's the Deal?" aims to provide artists, collectors, and art enthusiasts with an opportunity to hear the opinions and get tips from individuals that help run the art world. We have an amazing network of prominent art dealers and gallerists ready and willing to answer your questions. For this "What's the Deal?" post, Heather Taylor, Co-Owner of Taylor De Cordoba, answers a question about best practices for an artist's approach to submit works to a gallery. As always, we encourage you to share your opinion in the comments section.
September 07, 2012, 8:30am
This weekend, September 8–9, 2012, from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm, artists throughout Brooklyn will open their studio, so that visitors can decide who will be featured in an exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum at the end of the year. After the jump is a brief explanation of the voting process and exhibition from the Brooklyn Museum website. But first, check out the video! We hope you can check it out and vote (link to register is also after the jump)!
August 30, 2012, 8:30am
Go Big or Go Home in Chelsea (Does Size Matter?)
We found this great post recently (along with many others) on the GalleristNY. Rachel Corbett reports on the nature of the Chelsea art scene. What is causing the boom in larger gallery spaces, especially considering that so many have closed up shop in recent years? Read on to hear Corbett's perspective and let us know what you think in the comments section below.
Originally Posted on GalleristNY By Rachel Corbett (August 20th):
Supersize Chelsea!: In New York’s Main Art District, It’s Go Big or Go Home
August 24, 2012, 8:30am
Against The Grain; Auction Benefitting LA Art Students
We received word of a great auction this weekend (Saturday) at the Mark Moore Gallery that will raise grant funds for one Los Angeles-based student artist. Against the Grain, according to its creators, 5790projects, the auction will,"feature works on paper that showcase diversified studio practices through a shared medium.
August 23, 2012, 8:30am
Artists and their Message...What's the Deal?
"What's the Deal?" aims to provide artists, collectors, and art enthusiasts with an opportunity to hear the opinions of individuals that help run the art world. We have an amazing network of prominent art dealers and gallerists ready and willing to answer your questions. For this "What's the Deal?" post, Scott Zieher, of ZieherSmith, answers a question about an artist's ability to articulate the message behind their work. As always, we encourage you to share your opinion in the comments section.
August 08, 2012, 7:25am
Market Promise in Emerging Painters...What's the Deal?
"What's the Deal?" aims to provide artists, collectors, and art enthusiasts with an opportunity to hear the opinions of individuals that help run the art world. We have an amazing network of prominent art dealers and gallerists ready and willing to answer your questions. For our first "What's the Deal?" post, Heather Marx, Co-Owner, Marx & Zavattero, answers a question about identifying market promise in emerging painters. As always, we encourage you to share your opinion in the comments section.
August 07, 2012, 8:30am
Ten Must See Painting Shows: Summer 2012
Originally Posted on the Huffington Post by New American Paintings Publisher/Editor, Steven Zevitas
The heat has been turned way up on the East Coast, which is all the more reason to duck into a few galleries as you trudge through the city. As is typical for the summer months, a lot of galleries have mounted ambitious group exhibitions, many of which focus on painting.
July 19, 2012, 8:30am
Heart to Art: Thao Votang and Brian Willey of Tiny Park (Part II)
Part two of my interview with Thao Votang and Brian Willey, owners of Tiny Park in Austin, TX. Find part one here. — Brian Fee, Austin contributor
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