May 24, 2013, 8:30am

The Graduates: UCLA’s MFA Painters

As the school year draws to a close, it’s time for graduating art students to pack up their studios, take down their thesis shows, and set out on the life of financial uncertainty and critical scrutiny they have pursued so enthusiastically for the past several years. Hopefully they are equipped with as much knowledge, ability, and determination as UCLA’s graduating MFA painters Jonathan Apgar, Leon Benn, Michael John Kelly, and Christine Wang.  I asked the four talented young artists about their work, their time in school, and their plans for the future. – Trevor Spaulding, Los Angeles Contributor

Listed under: Los Angeles, MFA

February 26, 2013, 2:57pm

Iona Rozeal Brown in the New York Times

We've been keeping an eye on Iona Rozeal Brown since she made an appearance in our 2002 MFA Annual. On Friday she was featured in the Art and Design section of the New York Times. After the jump, read the entire article. Congrats Iona!

Photo By Chester Higgins Jr./The New York Times

Here is a link to the original article on the New York Times Website

Listed under: Art World, MFA

November 12, 2012, 8:36am

MFA Annual Competition Deadline Extended

Because so many students and recent graduates were effected by Sandy, we have decided to extend the MFA Annual deadline to NOVEMBER 16th, Midnight, EST. Below is our original call for entries...

Attention current MFA students and 2012 graduates...

Listed under: Competitions, MFA

November 01, 2011, 8:45am

MFA Annual Deadline Extended!


Listed under: Competitions, MFA

September 30, 2011, 11:17am

Attention MFA Students and Current Year MFA Graduates!

MFA ANNUAL DEADLINE: October 31, 2011

Listed under: Competitions, Los Angeles, MFA

August 25, 2011, 10:30am

Piles and Textiles: Studio Visit with Erin Payne

Erin Payne (NAP #93) paints what she terms “piles” – they are piles of jumbled and indefinable fabric and scattered memories.  Upon first glance, they reminded me of many fond piles from my own life: blankets abandoned from a childhood fort, wet and sandy towels left at the beach, and the ever-growing laundry that accumulate magically by week’s end.  I also saw them as shells of things that once were, but were now abandoned and I was excited to learn more about her process and inspiration. -Ellen C. Caldwell, LA Contributor

Listed under: Los Angeles, MFA, Q&A

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