South #136
Juror: Katie Pfohl
Newsstand Dates: June 2018 / July 2018
Competition winners
Zina Al-Shukri
David Bailin
Caitlin Blomstrom
Daniel Calder
Dane Carder
AC Carter
Eliseo Casiano
Aaron Collier
Benjamin Cook
Cesar Cornejo
Dylan Dewitt
Ashley A. Doggett
Dave Eassa
Brian Guirdry
Kyle Hackett
Matthew Hance
Elizabeth Holtry
Kelley Johnson
Kelley Johnson
Caleb Kortokrax
Magnolia Laurie
Louise Mandumbwa
Katherine Tzu-Lan Mann
Rachel Meginnes
Marc Mitchell
Laura Mongiovi
Daniel Moore
Liz Moore
Meredith Olinger
Karen Ösp Pálsdóttir
James Perrin
Charles Ritchie
Robert Scobey
Nathan Skiles
Benjamin David Steele
Denise Stewart-Sanabria
Taylor Anton White
Melissa Wilkinson
Charles Edward Williams
David Evan Withers
Mike Wsol
Noteworthy Artists

Ashley A. Doggett
Title: "An Allegory: Who Said You Could Wear Your Shoes on the Bed?"
Medium: Oil, Acrylic and India Ink on Mounted Canvas
Dimensions: 39 x 35 inches
Year: 2017

Dave Eassa
Title: Some people love the beach, but hate the ocean (installation view)
Medium: Pink Panther insulation foam, wood, sand, tile, fake palm trees, umbrella hat, framed iPhone photographs, astroturf, chair, spray paint, latex paint, and oil paint.
Dimensions: 14' x 15' x 11'4" (H x W x D)
Year: 2017