Top 10 NAP Posts of 2011
Even though we are looking forward to 2012, it's still fun to look back. We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our blog contributors for making our site a great place to find commentary on relevant contemporary painting. These very talented writers and videographers from all over the country include Ellen Caldwell, Brian Fee, Josh Reames, Erin Langner, Nadiah Fellah, Graham Kolbeins (Future Shipwreck), Hallie Miller, Catherine Wagley, Paul Boshears, Joey Veltkamp, Alex Ebstein, and Matthew Smith.
On that note, after the jump we list the top 10 most viewed posts by our contributors in 2011. If you haven't had a chance to read them, please check them out now! And, it's never too late to comment.

A story-telling booth in Oakland at which participants were invited to share their ‘99% Story’
2. Piles and Textiles: Studio Visit with Erin Payne
3. New American Paintings x Future Shipwreck: Annie Lapin (VIDEO)
4. Fahamu Pecou & The Portrait: A Q&A with Sam McKinniss
5. Reframing History: In the Studio with Frohawk Two-Feathers
6. New American Paintings & Future Shipwreck Present: Iva Gueorguieva (VIDEO)
7. That Thing You Do: 10 Questions for NUDASHANK
8. Painting as a Mode of Thought: Alexander Kroll speaks to Joey Veltkamp
9. Selfish Media Archeology: In the Studio with Craig Drennen
10. Artist vs. Studio: Kimberly Trowbridge