TJ Rinoski
Region: South
TJ Rinoski’s work is an uncanny illusion that touches on a humorous edge of his memory. He paints stories without clear narratives, as memories tend to be misleading and not always truthful, yet his images are preconceived, gathered from tattered handwritten notes that only make sense to him. The words inscribed on Rinoski’s pages refer to his own experiences, and photographs, and, occasionally, a film scene.
The artist blurs color until a textured artifact emerges like a dusty postcard from your grandmother’s bookshelf. These textures mimic the palpable feeling of its subjects.
While Rinoski’s work is derived from personal anecdotes, his paintings evoke shared experiences, whether it’s an elementary school field trip to the aquarium or watching sports on a Sunday evening. The absence of details is an invitation to the viewer to momentarily enter the interpretation of his memories and build their own story within. Rinoski’s pieces convey the flexibility of a memory: that we are all mere visitors in the storytelling of one’s imagination.