Ronna S. Harris
My paintings communicate a state of controlled chaos as I combine two diver-gent forces and approaches: realism and abstract expression. With a proficient handling of light, a mastery of images, and a skillful mark making method, the paintings confer an illusion of reality to something that’s not real. I am playing with the light and its effect on color. The end result is a spatial between magic and illusion, rooted in the American Realist tradition.
My philosophy is “art is magic, and the magic is illusion.” Throughout my painting career, I have remained a woman concerned with the psychological phases of female development. I paint the figure, still life paintings in which I incorporate the window to the outside, and nature-based works. The common thread that coheres my paintings together has been internal perspective into another realm: a world of intimacy and exploration. To create a narrative conveying my concern on issues that contemporary society visually ignores.