Mira Gerard
I make paintings of the figure as a way to understand desire,
which functions in my work in part as a fantasy about being both
subject and maker. Throughout my childhood, I was a frequent
subject of my father’s paintings and photographs, resulting in my
being potently aware, from a very young age, of being looked at
and depicted.
Over the last seven years, my work has been informed by my
experiences in Lacanian psychoanalysis. It is a practice of
speaking freely without preconception, and is in many ways
similar to painting, where I imagine, take apart, and reconstruct
images based on sources ranging from film stills to personal
memories. Psychoanalytic discourse and painting both allow for
impulses, slips, and interventions of the unconscious to emerge
and interrupt the picture or story being conveyed. The resulting
surface is made of scars and inventions brought about by rupture,
deconstruction, and remaking.