Matthew Yaeger
My paintings resist the urge to sit still. Appearing direct and
haptic, solid and precarious, compressed and energetic, my
work exists at the meeting point of painting and idiosyncratic
form, proposing questions of perception and categorization. A
seemingly straightforward formal abstraction may also appear to
be a letterform, a window, and ultimately a physical object that
has a unique relationship to the space it occupies and the objects
that surround it.
I use the wood shim as a modular unit, and construct each form
through an additive process. Imperfections in material and
uneven placement necessitate an improvisatory process in which
one choice ultimately dictates the next. I use papier mâché to
cover the form, creating a lumpy, non-continuous surface. Line
and color act as building blocks that respond to the idiosyncratic
form of the support. Ultimately, the paintings create spatial
contradictions as a way to draw close attention to the unique
modulations of each surface, encouraging the viewer to engage in
an experience of slow looking.