Lydia K. Dildilian
I am looking at systems and how they are used to better
understand other fields, how they are employed in society, and
what purpose they serve. I look through the lens of cybernetics
to find a context for these inquiries. Cybernetics is a human-tomachine
relationship that calculates and predicts the outcomes
and consequences of systems. This field seeks to find the best
solutions and the perfect equation for a particular area, such
as ecological or social systems. Often, the goal of cybernetics is
to find hidden connections that machines can see and that the
human mind cannot quantify. A yearning for uniformity, calculated
outcomes, and underlying systems of order offers humanity
solutions to problems known or unknown, and creates a utopian
dream of order. I question whether cybernetics, or any system,
can truly do this. Systems help us organize, but I believe the real
product produced is a pharmakon, offering us both remedy and