Loring Taoka
My work is an extension or contemplation of the act of perception
—lines of demarcation are only contextual. Exploring the space
where the viewer simultaneously accepts two contradictory
ideas provides the foundation. I use basic geometry as a point of
departure, creating overlapping, incomplete, and illusory shapes
in various stages of flux. Squares fade into squares; circles are
completed in a two-way mirror’s reflection; a rectangle is created
by smaller rectangles. The shapes visually weave in and out of
each other, at once acknowledging and undoing their respective
I am interested in the liminal spaces we occupy and how we
change in relation to the environment while remaining a solidified,
identifiable self. Being able to pass through, or acclimate to,
certain scenarios draws out the space between these distinctions.
I investigate the fluctuation, balanced on the fence that divides
opposing signifiers.