Kees Holterman
Region: Northeast
City / State: Philadelphia, PA
I use storytelling as a means of dismantling memories, relationships, and
environments to bridge the gap between a past and potential self. I began
creating this body of work after being diagnosed with congenital heart
disease in early 2022. This diagnosis allowed me the space to move away
from my printmaking practice and utilize painting and drawing to define
impactful personal stories. Through repetitive imagery, skewed perspective,
and nonsensical light sources, I provide myself the opportunity to investigate
and gain control of specific narratives.
Each piece begins as if I am making a print; I lay down graphic shapes, flat
and bold colors, and characters transferred from sheets of vellum with
graphite paper. As the work develops, I let go of some of the print-based
foundations and honor my influences of the Social Realist and American Folk
art movements to further explore an image.
By being observed, these stories and moments I’m defining become something
more tangible. I am offering vignettes of vulnerability, healing, and treatment;
confronting fear and uncertainty.