John Adelman
Each work is a slow, meticulous buildup of ink on acrylic on
canvas or paper, each layer showing dismantled objects with
their constituent parts traced. The total number of tracings
of the reengineered object is the work’s title. The most
common “dismantled” object is the 1979 Unabridged Webster’s
Encyclopedic Dictionary (I also trace many nails!). I “break down”
the dictionary into its individual components, which are then
supplanted by a formula to create a new work. For a dictionaryderived
work, the title is the first word defined, giving the body of
work a sequence. The formula can determine the color, shape,
labeling, number of layers, and positioning of the traced object.
I seek to discover the final visual outcome of the formula I
establish prior to commencing the work.