Jesse Benson
Region: Pacific Coast
My work asks viewers to question the means through which
information is delivered by suggesting that mediating parties use
methods such as documentation, curation, editing, design, style,
image proliferation, and conditioning to channel information
and aesthetics in a manner consistent with their interests.
Common practices of this type range from airbrushing photos to
whitewashing history.
Since 2003, my practice has taken many forms, including
several curatorial projects for which I acted as the primary
documentarian. My painting production has always relied heavily
on the rich material uncovered within curatorial or otherwise
organizational gestures. My work also functions in relation to
appropriation histories, but rather than photographing as an
appropriation strategy, I use a highly articulated hyperrealistic
painting approach to methodically reproduce imagery and styles.
Since we all know that every photograph is staged (and now
alterable through apps or Photoshop), the paintings provide an
equally legitimate (or illegitimate) documentation.