Jeff Broekhoven
These paintings are from a series titled Blankets, and they operate
within a broader theme I call Comfort Calamity, which depicts
narratives that are carefree despite their claustrophobia.
Keyed-up color reinforces a discombobulated and compressed
illusionistic space loosely organized by a grid that suggests
a picnic blanket, tile floor, life raft, tabletop, or window. By
compressing the visual space depicted in each painting, I make
all areas the subject, and all compete for attention. These factors
establish narrative in the work.
The compositions include figures on a blanket, the impression
of figures on a blanket, objects assembled by figures on a
blanket, and a still life of figures on a blanket. These changes in
structure reinforce the presence and absence of the figures and
question the role they have in constructing the scenes—are they
showing up for the picture or are they arranging it? The goal is
to understand what type of character could live in these spaces,
and to establish a figurative language and overarching narrative
in response to these conditions.