Heyd Fontenot
Gallery Affiliations: Inman Gallery, Conduit Gallery
Region: West
Website: http://www.heydfontenot.com
City / State: Dallas, TX
These portraits frequently contain exaggerated features and
distorted proportions. Academic-style “accuracy” is not the
goal. I seek to achieve a particular intimacy. My focus is on the
unique qualities of the individual, which are not limited to physical
Historically, due to particular types of censorship, artists could
legitimately work with the naked body only to illustrate biblical or
classical mythologies. The potent “nude” was often neutralized
. . . or even neutered, to some extent. It is not my intention to
make specifically erotic artworks, but rather to integrate and
acknowledge that energy. The complete and fully realized person
has an element of sexuality, but maintains a balance to embody a
far more interesting complexity.
Throughout my art career, my studio practice and filmmaking
have involved social politics; my work is largely motivated by,
and in opposition to, oppressive societal norms. As our culture
struggles with issues of morality, spirituality, and sexuality, I
aspire to offer new possibilities of acceptance, thoughtfulness,
and true freedom with these very human images.