Eva Bovenzi
Gallery Affiliations: Toomey Tourell Fine Arts
Region: Pacific Coast
Website: http://www.evabovenzi.com
City / State: El Cerrito, CA
The backgrounds in my series From Blue and Red are made from multiple layers of clear gesso, which has been saturated with acrylic paint. The resulting surfaces are matte and velvety. The shapes that emerge from these grounds are made with iridescent pigments. When seen in indirect light, the paintings shimmer and glow.
The shapes in these paintings, though influenced by the structure of shells, chrysalises, webs, and jellyfish, are invented amalgams. Their size is not firmly fixed in my mind. They could be tiny or enormous. Similarly, the ground in which they float could be air, water, blood, or cosmic space. However, of this I am certain: the forms are caught in the ephemeral moment between appearing and disappearing, and the ground from which they emerge is infinitely deep.