Elizabeth Camilletti
Region: MFA Annual
Website: http://Elizabethcamillettiart.com
There is a sometimes imaginary, sometimes real amount of
control in how we interpret or conceptualize our personal
environments. This psychological condition and the ensuing
lack or actualization of comfort it produces are the focus of my
work. Comfort and discomfort guide a person through their days,
lives, and weekly grocery store trips. Expectations conditioned
by experience collide with the unpredictability of reality. The
disruptive juxtapositions are numerous and when taken in
stride inspire curiosity. Interpreting the now through the jarring
positioning of familiar objects in nearly believable rooms or
environments is subjective as well as critical. Personal spaces
from the home are populated with objects that are described by
their use and their history with people. These objects and their
environment are stylized on a fabric surface so that the illusion of
comfort from objects and spaces is on display.