Deborah Oropallo
Region: Pacific Coast
Farm animals are intelligent, sentient beings. As animals living
in herds, they abide by moral codes. With a majesty and grace
that belie what they go through, they seem to represent the
possibility of hope, forgiveness, resilience, and an extraordinary
ability to overcome.
I have found that there is something primal in living in close
proximity to animals. My daily clock is measured by their sounds . . .
triggered by their biological rhythms of parenting, sleep,
hunger, or sexual drive. They put you in touch with a cyclical
clock ruled by nature, which has given me a deeper emotional
connection to them.
My process combines photography, computer, printer, and
airbrush. The digital process of removing spots from a herd of
Holsteins has left openings, or cavities, which perhaps echoes
the physical extraction of meat or milk. We are, for the most
part, comfortably removed from this experience of nurturing
and harvesting, which can be powerful, dark, and beautiful. The
work prompts observation of this unceasing and basic need of
human existence.