David Hendrickson

Region: Pacific Coast

Website: http://dhendrickson.com

City / State: Northridge, CA

 My paintings recombine, repeat, redact, and crop elements, materials, and objects to elicit a sense of absurdist absence and alienation. Digitally manipulating and collaging appropriated images, especially those that acknowledge the body, allows me to examine notions of authorship, authenticity, and objectivity. Printing these files and modifying them with crude applications of paint, I deconstruct and fragment sourced imagery to question the integrity of art, memory, and time. I paint on digitally manipulated inkjet prints and translate the appropriated images into ambiguous compositions through traditional observational painting. In the futile pursuit of questioning authenticity, I paint and print different versions of the same image multiple times. My work distills and expands on my experience within the confines of the Internet and embodies the existential absurdity of an era lacking a tangible sense of place.