Daniela Rivera
Gallery Affiliations: LaMonatgne Gallery
Region: Northeast
City / State: Wellesley, MA
I am a symptom of blurred cultural boundaries and a product of
vernacular appropriations and cannibalizations.
My recent paintings address their own quality as three-dimensional
objects. They are either site-specific works reacting to
particular exhibition spaces, or they create environments that
allow visitors more agency and responsibility in the work.
An important creative engine for the development of my work
is the notion of simulation. More than representing, I aim to
simulate different elements in the creation of three-dimensional
images. I use painting as a tool for staging and generating a
physical experience, allowing these works to become stages that
are completed only when inhabited.
I believe my work tangos with Baroque painting techniques
and the presentational strategies and formal undertones of
minimalist art, a contradiction in many ways, but one that offers a
world of possibilities.