Curtis Newkirk Jr.
Region: South
City / State: Richmond, VA
I seek to create work that is continuously looking forward. I use abstract forms and brushwork, juxtaposed with refined figures and structures that emerge through the encased space as if they were jumping out at you. These techniques are utilized to create the feel of anticipation for the viewer. I want them to feel as if they are sitting on the brink of something big and something new. I also use African American males as the main subject for each work. This comes from a desire to see Black men represented better in society and the arts, in a more positive light. I want to empower them in a way that breaks the chains society has placed on them, disrupts the toxic narrative, and produces helpful and life-giving dialogue between all people. My ultimate goal is to point to a greater joy and hope that is coming, and for the viewer, no matter their background, to dwell in that.