Andrew Roberts-Gray
In the work titled Component Pieces, I use contrasting materials
and processes to create nonobjective works that oscillate between
sculpture and painting. I create discrete geometric elements from
steel, linen, Dibond, cardboard, and papier-mâché, among other
materials. Combinations are explored, proposed, and rejected.
Components are moved around in my studio, placed haphazardly
together, separated and re-partnered, forgotten about, and
rediscovered. Through this approach I discover relationships
between elements: recurring motifs/patterns, rhythms, and
textures. Over time, common or contrasting elements form
connections. I consider strategies for interacting with the
viewer’s space. I apply sharp changes in texture and color by
pairing diverse surfaces with unusual, improbable materials.
In this practice, the spontaneous gesture is valued as highly as
painstaking craftsmanship. As each work evolves, it gains an
identity that eventually informs its resolution.