Allen Brewer
Psychiatric care was the most influential (and free) course I took
during my two years at CalArts. Therapy enabled a confrontation
with vulnerability for me in ways that art could not. Admitting
to a secret personal language, complete with the code of one’s
own history, sometimes gets blanketed under the heavy-handed
wraps of jargon, while easier-to-swallow categorizations place
the work in the comfortable context that “professionals” have
provided for us. The vacuum is nearly impossible to punch a hole
in, so art begets art, art talks about art, art critiques art. Paths
of resistance may lead to acceptance and possibly a truth. All
contend for communicative window display. Truth is personal and
telling. The witnessing of (my) (your) truth in objects and pictures
relies on vulnerability. It takes sensitive consideration not just
of art’s history or what a painting “is,” but also of empathy and
reflection on what it means to be a human.