Alexa Kleinbard
Since experiencing a near fatal auto accident in 1982, my work has focused on humanity’s impact on Earth’s exceptional garden and what we must do to protect it. The titles of my most recent bodies of paintings are “Songbirds Nesting at Twilight” and “Storm Songs.” They cover the issues of dwindling habitat due to the massive overdevelopment of every space—and in particular, Florida and Georgia.
We are observing a tremendous loss of biodiversity, from plants, animals, insects, birds, entire forests, and their communities. For many years I have been tracking an area in the northern Georgia mountains where my husband and I own a small cabin in the woods. We have noticed a huge loss of the birds whom we’ve listened to for twenty years. My work concentrates on showing the incredible beauty and diversity of this land and its native inhabitants, as well as the changes caused by humans.
I hope to inspire people to stand up for the natural world, to be her voice and protect the land, water, air, and all her species.